
Windows xp boot disk images
Windows xp boot disk images

That is, see if you have the C:\I386 folder on your hard disk. System drive (usually the C: drive), and see if you can find a folder named I386 in the root directory. You can use the steps listed on this page to re-create your bootable Windows XP setup disk, look for into your Without this, the procedure outlined on this page will not work. An I386 Directory (Folder) on your Hard Disk.I have not tested this procedure on other versions of

windows xp boot disk images

This guide only applies to Windows XP systems, be it XP Home or Professional. I'm sure there are many other possible reasons why you might need a Windows Installation CD, but let's get on with the procedure forīefore you can recreate a bootable Windows installation disk, certain things are required: If you want to do a repair install of Windows, you will need a bootable Windows install disc.The need to wait a few hours for Windows Update to catch up with the last few years' worth of Windows Update. To simplify the process, you want to integrate (slipstream) all the Windows hotfixes, device drivers,Īpplications, etc, into your Windows install disk, so that when you finish running the Windows installer, your system is good to go, without Another possible reason is that you've used your system for some time, and it's become incredibly sluggish and cluttered.Useful to reinstall a pristine copy of Windows, load the drivers and only the software you actually want to use. Still residual pieces of the previous installation littered across your hard disk and the registry. Uninstalling these programs takes a lot of time, and even when it is done, there are Junk that clutter up your system and slow it down.

windows xp boot disk images

The manufacturer typically installs tons of demo and trial software, toolbars and other If you have bought any PC or laptop from brands like Dell, Acer, HP,Įtc, you will know what I mean. Very often, people want to reinstall a system to remove the crap that comes preinstalled on their system.There are at least a few reasons why you might need a bootable Windows Setup disc: This article shows you how you can re-create a usable and bootable Windows XP installation CD using your running system.

windows xp boot disk images windows xp boot disk images

System, you might think that you have to buy another additional Windows XP licence even though you have already paid for one for that If you plan to reformat and do a clean installation of your Restores the system to its shipping condition. Many of these systems with Windows preinstalled do not come with a Windows setup CDROM at best they include a Recovery Disk that If you have bought an off-the-shelf computer recently, chances are that it came with Windows preloaded onto the system. How to Create a Bootable Windows XP Setup Disk on a Preinstalled / Preloaded Windows System

Windows xp boot disk images